We have installed ten wells in Namibia and thus created access to clean drinking water for individuals. Access to safe potable water will result in better health, it will enhance the chances of education, and it will offer a possibility of self-sufficiency in agriculture in Namibia. Our goal to install 10 more wells.

Our Vision

Water means life. Water means future. We want to help the people of Namibia to help themselves through an autonomous and environmentally friendly drinking water supply. This gives them a future and opportunities for education. We are taking it “drop by drop” for the future for Namibia.

Let’s get started!
Let us take a step
towards the future of
Drop by drop!

The Principle

For the design and construction of the water wells we will cooperate with local specialist companies. High-quality devices and accessories will be supplied by well-known manufacturers. For self-sufficiency, solar and wind energy will be used so that safe water can be accessed at all times.

See the diagram below of the water system:

Self-Sufficient Supply

We are building fountain-systems which are autonomous, environmentally friendly units that are operated exclusively with regenerative solar and wind energy and therefore without any additional costs.


The possibility of agriculture increases the quality of the life of people enormously. You do not have to walk many kilometers a day to get water or to buy food.


As soon as the solar power flows, water is continuously transported fromthe wells to the storage tanks. The systems are designed to be maintenance free and do not require any external energy. Should there be an unexpected disruption, a service and dealer support will be rendered by the company NEC Powers Windhoek in Namibia and by Mr. Alexander Rogl, Okahandja, a mechatronics engineer trained in Germany, at any time.


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